What is CenttripNow and how can I use it to make instant payments?

CenttripNow allows you to instantaneously transfer funds between Centtrip accounts without incurring any fees.


How long will it take for my Centtrip cards to arrive?

Once ordered, your card(s) should arrive within seven working days


I don't receive email login codes or the code has expired, how do I login?

You'll need to add [email protected] Centtrip authentication emails to your allowed sender list to ensure they're not delayed or blocked from reaching your inbox. Your organisation may also need to update/create a 'permitted sender policy'.


What are Corporate Labels and how do I set them up?

Simplify your reconciliation processes by creating Corporate Label Groups, whereby each Group contains its own set of custom labels that can be linked to accounting codes and assigned to transactions via a dropdown.


How can I manage and order Centtrip cards?

Administrators can access the Card Order Form within their account


What is a forward contract and how do they work?

A forward contract is an agreement to buy or sell a specific amount of currency, at a predetermined exchange rate, on a specific date in the future.


Didn't find what you were looking for?

We're available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. Contact us by email to [email protected] or phone +44(0)2037351735. For help with lost or stolen cards outside these hours, please call +44(0)2071278130.