How do I complete my batch recipient upload template?

When completing your 'RecipientUploadTemplate', each recipient must occupy one row and all relevant fields must be filled accordingly. Information on how and which fields to complete is provided below:

Mandatory Fields

Column Field Additional information
A ‘Nickname’ Each recipient has a ‘Nickname’ which is used to make payments going forward. Nicknames do not affect payment details and can be in the form of a code, name or any text/numbers that you can use to identify each recipient.
B ‘CountryCode’ The two-letter country code of the recipients bank.
C ‘CurrencyCode’ The three-letter currency code of the recipient's bank.
D and E, or F ‘FirstName’ & ‘LastName’ OR ‘CompanyName’ Each beneficiary must be set up as either an Individual or Corporate entity. On the template you must enter either the ‘FirstName’ & ‘LastName’ OR ‘CompanyName’.
I ‘Address1’ Beneficiary bank address - can use country code.
J ‘Address2’ Beneficiary bank address - can use country code.
K ‘City’ Beneficiary bank address - can use country code.
L 'Postcode’ Beneficiary bank postcode - can be '0000'.
M 'State’ (if appliable) Always required for countries which have states.
N-S Bank Account Details Only two out of the six bank account fields need to be completed for each recipient. The combination depends on the Bank Location and the Payment Currency; use the table below to determine which details are required.

Which bank account details are required?

In the table below, reference the Beneficiary Bank Location and the Payment Currency to determine which two out of the six bank detail fields are required for each recipient. You can leave the other fields blank.

Beneficiary Bank Location Payment Currency Unique Identifier Required Bank Code Required
United States USD Account Number ABA (9 digits)
United States GBP Account Number SWIFT/BIC
United States EUR Account Number ABA (9 digits)
United Kingdom GBP Account Number Sort-code
Asia All currencies Account Number SWIFT/BIC
Africa All currencies Account Number SWIFT/BIC
South America All currencies Account Number SWIFT/BIC
Australasia All currencies Account Number SWIFT/BIC
Canada All currencies Account Number SWIFT/BIC
Antarctica All currencies Account Number SWIFT/BIC

Hints and tips

  • If you can't see the country/currency combination you need and aren't sure which bank details you need to provide, visit the main Recipient tab of your account and select the required currency and country - the necessary fields will be displayed there.
  • The ‘Override’ field can be used to update the details of an existing beneficiary; enter ‘Y’ into the row and the recipient (with the same nickname) will be updated accordingly.

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