How do I integrate my Centtrip account with Xero?
Integrate your Centtrip account with Xero and automatically sync Centtrip account and/or card transaction data into Xero. No back-and-forth between systems, no manual exports or re-keying.
You can set up your Xero integration directly within your account, without the need for any technical support or development work from your team. (Contact us to discuss integration with other accounting or ERP solutions)
2 Quick Steps
1. Connect Your Xero Account

Sign into your Centtrip account and click Manage Expenses. Then choose INTEGRATIONS.
Select Xero as your accounting package, press Next, then Connect Now.

A new window will open - sign into your Xero account and select the Xero organisation you wish to connect your Centtrip account to.
Scroll down to Allow access. The Xero window will close, and your Xero and Centtrip accounts will now be connected.
- Finally, within the Integrations screen of your Centtrip account, select the Xero organisation where you would like transaction data to be synced to, and click Continue.
2. Map Your Data

- Click the button: Create your first feed
- Select the first card or account you wish to connect, followed by the card/account currency.
- Select a Xero account for the data to be synced to, or create a new one. This account name must be unique for each individual feed. For example: Captain EUR Card - Yacht A
- Leave 'Type' as 'Statement' (other formats to follow) and press the yellow +Add button to save the feed.
- Continue to add any other cards and/or currencies in the same way. Note, you will need to set up an individual feed for each currency you wish to be mapped.

- Once complete, click Next.
- Choose either a past or future date to transfer records from.
- Select Create Feed to finish. (Note - feeds may take a few moments to process)
- Once set up, transactions will be sent to your Xero account on a daily basis.
If you aren't seeing all the accounts/feeds you expect to see, try refreshing your browser. It can sometimes take up to 30 seconds for all connections to be set up.
See also - How do I change the Xero organisation that my Centtrip account is connected to?