How can I pay my Centtrip subscription, card or payment fees?

You can send payment to our Sterling or Euros account from your Centtrip account, or you can make an instant payment using the CenttripNow Service. In all cases, please remember to include your invoice number as the Payment Reference.

Make a payment to our account

Add us to your Recipients List using the details below, and send payment from your Centtrip account.

Account Name - Centtrip Limited Account Name - Centtrip Limited
Account Number - 00023794 -
IBAN - GB48SAPY60838200023794 IBAN - DK9889000000023792
Sort Code - 60-83-82 SWIFT Code - SXPYDKKK
Bank Name - Banking Circle S.A. Bank Name - Banking Circle S.A.
Bank Country - United Kingdom Bank Country - Denmark
Reference - Invoice number Reference - Invoice number

Send an instant CenttripNow payment

Centtrip Invitation code CENTTRIPC/8jelr

New to CenttripNow?

CenttripNow allows you to instantaneously transfer fund between any other Centtrip accounts, without incurring any fees. All you need to do is ensure the relevant Centtrip accounts are part of your CenttripNow network.

  1. Sign into your account and click 'Add Recipients'
  2. Click the 'ADD CENTTRIPNOW' button
  3. Search for our invitation code (CENTTRIPC/8jelr) and invite us - you'll only need to do this once
  4. Once your invitation has been accepted, visit the 'Send Payments' tab of your account
  5. Enter the relevant payment details and select 'CenttripNow' from the 'To' dropdown
  6. You can now select Centtrip as the recipient and complete your payment via CenttripNow

Didn't find what you were looking for?

We're available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. Contact us by email to or phone +44(0)2037351735. For help with lost or stolen cards outside these hours, please call +44(0)2071278130.